Кампании и миссии Карты Модели и текстуры

Карта Польша + Аэродромы + Городская застройка

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Несовместим с: Аэродромы

Here’s brand new map for EECH

Like I described before — it’s located at Polish / Slovakian border.

Installation on fresh installed 1.16.1

2. DELETE 1 file -> graphics/textures/general/diffuse.tga

Карта Польша + Аэродромы + Городская застройка v1.4

Загрузок: 1167
Как установить
Требуемая версия EECH:
1.16.1, 1.16.2

Features 1.0:

— real terrain elevation shape
— 2 available seasons (summer & winter)
— 7 types of single buildings and 2 types of 100m x 100m blocks buildings , all buildings are destroyable
— winter roof textures for those buildings
— 30 cities — mostly 2-3 sectors (2048m x 2048m)
— one big road system for ground units
— 4 terrain textures 2048×2048 and 3 cities textures (2048×2048) matched for those terrains. Textures made from google earth from this region.
— 1.3 mln trees on map
— blue side 4 airfields, red side 5 airfields
— tested for hours on x10 time acceleration

Features 1.2

-added trees in cities
— reworked 3d and reskinned used buildings
— reworked all terrain and cities 2048×2048 textures — corrected shadows brightness and overall quality
— more trees
— lot of another changes i can’t remember smile
— Animated trees + grass mod included

Plans for future:
— release source files
— add some lakes & rivers
— more campaigns

Features 1.3

A lot of new buildings
Rebuilded 3x Blue side Airports, 4x Red Side airports
Hesco farps Heavy and light version for both sides
Lot of another changes, optimizations etc.

Как установить

* Если у Вас возникли какие-то проблемы с allMods installer, Вы можете скачать архив мода и распаковать его в папку с установленной игрой вручную, но данный способ установки не рекомендуется

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